Day 4: Mill Ruins, Bad Lands, Natural Bridges, and Salt Flats
Some of us started the day with the sunrise at the ruins of Ashford Mill, a former office site for a nearby gold mine.
We went back to our lodging for breakfast and then all of us hiked the Golden Canyon Trail at Zabriskie Point. The canyon held true to its name with a gorgeous color palette of golds, greens, reds, and purples. We then visited the Devil's Golf Course were we precariously walked the jagged salt spikes (very sharp!). After, we hiked to the Natural Bridge and explored the dry waterfalls. We lied underneath the bridge and sat in the sun. Our day ended with a visit to the salt flats and watched the sun set.
(Text by Environmental Science major Keeley Jock, images by Saikat and Lee Ann)
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